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  • Venue
    The venue for the EACTS/STS/LACES Latin America Cardiovascular Surgery Conference is the Sheraton Buenos Aires Hotel & Convention Center, San Martín 1225 1275, C1104 CABA, Argentina
  • Travel
    Sheraton Buenos Aires Hotel & Convention Center is 4.2 miles from Jorge Newbery Domestic Airport and 21 miles from Ezeiza International Airport. For more information about EACTS/STS/LACES LATAM tour and travel, please contact Banks & Exchange – Most banks in Buenos Aires are generally open Monday to Friday from 10:00 – 15:00. Most are closed on Saturdays and Sunday. Most banks give you access to ATM/cash machine, deposit machine, and other necessities. Sheraton Buenos Aires Hotel & Convention Center also has ATMs available Credit Cards – Credit cards are widely accepted in Buones Aires, especially in most hotels and restaurants. However, some of the smaller merchants may accept only cash. Currency – Argentinian Peso Arg$. US$ are easy to exchange and Sterling (£), Euros (€) and Canadian $ can also be changed at most banks. Electricity – The electricity standard in Argentina is 220 volt at a frequency of 50Hz . They use power sockets (outlets) of type C and I. To use American-style plug, a power plug adaptor and voltage adaptor will be needed Shopping Hours – Shops are usually open late morning – late evening every day. Weather - Average temperatures usually ranges between 18°C (64.4°F) to 25°C (77°F) in Buenos Aires at the start of December. Overnight temperatures are generally cooler with an average
  • Accommodation
    To book your accommodation click here . If you have any enquiries about accommodation please contact For more information about EACTS/STS/LACES LATAM tour and travel, please contact Please note: There are numerous counterfeit websites and agencies operating. STS/EACTS/LACES cannot guarantee the rooms or rates offered by these sites. If you have any doubts about the authenticity of a website or company, please notify the EACTS Executive Secretariat immediately.
  • Programme and Abstract Submission
    Full details of the Scientific programme can be found here General Abstract submission has now closed.
  • Registration
    Early bird registration is now opened. Click here to register.
  • Language
    Simultaneous interpretation will be available from English to Spanish and Spanish to English in the main session rooms.
  • Industry Opportunities
    We have a comprehensive list of opportunities and more information about how you can best showcase your organisation at this year’s Conference. For further information please contact
  • Liability and Insurance
    The EACTS, STS, LACES and their agents do not accept any liability whatsoever for death, personal injury, accidents, theft, loss or damage to persona, property or belongings of participants or accompanying persons, either before, during or following the Conference. It is therefore recommended that participants arrange their own personal health, accident and travel insurance.

Join us in Buenos Aires in 2024

The EACTS/STS/LACES Latin America Cardiovascular Surgery Conference will take place in Buenos Aires in 2024 for more information about speakers, sponsors, and registration, please get in touch today.

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